
            Max & Susan DeBeeson

The DeBeeson name is really French, not Dutch.  My father was born George Dejean Beeson

He took the De and added to the Beeson when he was discharged from the Navy. Thus, a hybrid family name that ends with me since our son is deceased. 

Our Beeson lineage is given on the Beeson page.

Link to Old Beeson Photos

Link to DeBeeson Family Photos

Claudia Susan Herbinaux and I met on a blind date in 1963 and were married 3 months later. It has been a great time.  Having become Christians and in pastoral ministry for 33 years,we raised a family and have great-grandchildren for which we give God thanks and praise.

Susan is writing books and I'm doing music, photography and computer things for "extra-curricular" fun! We've raised three children and have four grandchildren plus two great-grandchildren. 

Life has been a slice!  God is good!  Hopefully, we've put together enough material to connect our family branches together for our family and others, to have a greater appreciation for their history and accomplishments. --MD

  Max W. DEBEESON                   Married Claudia Susan Hebinaux on October 13, 1963 at Seattle, WA.
  1.  Yvonne L. DEBEESON        Married Wayne McIsaac on July 21, 1984 at Rossland, BC
  2.  Rebekah A. DEBEESON      Married James Hiltz on August 1, 1992 at Kelowna, BC
  3.  David L. DEBEESON          Deceased at 24 yrs  September 15, 1998-plane crash, Mt. Baker, WA.